Jesus Christ – the Ultimate Nobody

Until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him. :Martin Luther:

There is an adventure before us, and God has chosen us precisely because of our sense of inadequacy: “Isn’t it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these ‘nobodies’ to expose the hollow pretensions of the ‘somebodies’?” (1 Corinthians 1:27-28 MSG).

When Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened, and His Father spoke, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” What an incredible moment! But let us remember that, at the point in Jesus’ life, He hadn’t actually done anything publicly. His open ministry hadn’t begun. For thirty years, he had simply lived a normal life in a nowhere town with quiet integrity, growing “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). The affirmation of the Father had come to Him before His ministry ever began.


Again,this amazing observation is from The Vision and the Vow by Pete Greig. I honestly had never looked at Jesus’ life like that before!  Have you? I think for many of us, when we hear that Christ experienced everything we do as humans, we sometimes do not believe it….but, again, this shows us that even Jesus – our Lord and Savior – was a nobody like you and me.

Yea , I know that might seem sacreligious to say for some people, but Jesus “walked in our shoes” and knows all that we toil through. 

So, be encouraged that even though you may feel God can’t use you…HE CAN and He definitely will!

One Comment Add yours

  1. hudsondmc says:

    thanks for your encouraging post on my site today and for your prayer support. Your blog today reminds me of the Switchfoot songs that talks about the church of loosers and dropouts and fools.  That’s the church I WANT to be part of…and am, thank God.  I heard a good sermon last week about Jesus purposefully choosing the small things (mustard seeds), the small people, in stature, ability, and lots of stuff.  Thanks for your reminder today!


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